We Breed, We Train, We Care as a Family!
We Breed, We Train, We Care as a Family!
CKC CH UKC CH MidnightSolo Giant of My Heart CGN TT
CKC CH title with 4majors in only 3 shows at 16 months of age!
JLPP - Clear, CHU- N/N
Chopard is a beloved dog by Ruslan, Olena and two young girls he adores. Chopper started His show carrier at 9 months is UKC, CKC Champion.
Passed Temperament Test and CGN
Passed all health checks and maturing into a great BRT male.
Choppa passed all available genetic tests offered through Emrark vet lab - 191 tests in total.
JLPP - clear, CHU-N/N , DM - clear
CGN- 2019
TT- Temperament Test (TTAC) Sept 26, 2020
UKC shows (United Kennel Club)
June 9th, 2019
Group 3 judge Brenda Landers
Group 4 judge Jennifer Landers
BOB x 4
April 2019 - GRKC:
Best of Winners
WD- Winner Dog x 3, BW
Monarch Kennel Club June 22-23, 2019 - 3 majors
BOB - Judge Heather Langfeld
BW x 3
WD x4
2019 BRTCC Nationals at Oakville &District Kennel Club : WD
Aurora & District kennel Cub Nov 23-24, 2019
WD- in Wire/Broken Coat Specialty show
Judge Ms. P. Nemirovsky de Alsina
BW & WD under judge Andrew Brown
Honey has earned the CKC Versatility Gold title—the highest canine achievement possible! She is the first and only Black Russian Terrier to reach this milestone, proving her slogan:
"A Show Dog That Works!"