We Breed, We Train, We Care as a Family!
We Breed, We Train, We Care as a Family!
SIRE: Grand Ch. USA, Am.Ch CGC Midnight Rider's Motorcycle Cowboy
DAM: Viva- CKC CH. UKC CH IABCA International, National Senior Puppy Champion CH-PKD TDCH
Midnight Solo Haviva Desagres ..etc..
AKC Achiever Dog
#8 Show BRT in Canada 2014
#1 CKC BRT in Rally Obedience in 2016
Thor’ is a busy boy who wears many hats. He is a wonderful Nanny to his baby sister Aria. Since the day she came home from the hospital, he has taken exceptional care of her, which includes sleeping beside her crib and general supervision. He alerts us when something is wrong with her and is always close by to offer supportive ‘kisses’. Thor is her best friend! During photo shoots, the only way Aria will sit without her parents is if Thor is next to her to offer emotional support and comfort. His official job is to be a service dog to his owner Megan. She suffers from serious autoimmune diseases which Thor is learning to assist in. He is on track, for his official BC Service Dog Certification. Megan’s health has increased dramatically since purchasing Thor, in fact she is in remission with his help. Thor has alerted Megan many times of symptoms such as high fevers or when she was about to have an anaphylactic attack or needed medical attention. The hospital has considered Thor an emotional support dog prior to his enrollment in the BC Service Dog Program and allowed him inside the ER to help Megan’s symptoms subside. Of course Thor is always a fan (nurse) favorite. When busy schedule allows, Thor partakes in the obedience/ tracking portions of IPO practice. Due to his gentle nature, he skips the protection portion but of course gets to play tug instead and guards his 5 acres to keep free of predators. He is slowly working towards his BH certification and his canine good neighbour. By the age of 7 months, he received the following certifications Level 1 Tracking Puppy Obedience Level 2 Obedience Level 1 Scent Work. Now that his sister is older, Thor is determined to receive titles in these areas. Thor also LOVES going to work! He takes his job very seriously and is the official mascot of the establishment his owner Megan works at. He sometimes can be found, taking a snooze in the beer cooler, because after all the only thing better than icy cold temperatures to a BRT is icy cold and snow. Thor, however; is not picky, in summer months he will take what he can get. Since Thor was 8 weeks of age, he has gone to work daily and is a crowd favourite. In fact, he was even invited to the Christmas party for being such a dedicated employee. When Thor is off duty, his favourite activity is to go for a walk with his cousins Macey and Intact male Rogue. They love to hang out and sometimes have sleep overs when their parents allow. He also loves it when puppy Zeus comes over to visit. Thor is also a perfect gentleman when his 79 year old Great Grandma takes him for walks. She of course is one of his favourites.
Beer cooler is the best place for me!
Honey has earned the CKC Versatility Gold title—the highest canine achievement possible! She is the first and only Black Russian Terrier to reach this milestone, proving her slogan:
"A Show Dog That Works!"